All posts with the tag Forces

ASOM v10Miscellaneous
Kinematics of a hospital bed in ASOM

Hospital beds are equipped with two essential drives: one for adjusting the height of the entire bed and another for tilting the foot section. In reality, such systems often use spindle drives.

ASOM v10Automotive industry
Kinematics of a truck lift gate in ASOM

The example shows a conceptual kinematic design for a truck tailgate lift or lift gate, as a linkage (degrees of freedom =2), driven by two hydraulic cylinders.

Bild bestehend aus Bestandteilen der Benutzeroberfläche von der ASOM v10 Kinematik-Software zum Fallbeispiel ""
ASOM v10Automotive industry
Kinematics of a flush-mounted retractable door handle

Example for the design of a mechanism for a flush-mounted retractable door handle with separate kinematic syntheses for the two partial systems (two syntheses “in series”).